When you have the right printer, you already have a highly trained marketing consultant who knows print, branding, direct mail and other integrated marketing strategies. They have years of experience in both high and low tech marketing approaches that work for businesses just like yours. The most assuring part of this partnership for you is that as your print/communications company, ImageSmith only succeeds when your marketing succeeds!
Whether crafting a brand for a new business or updating the marketing and image of an established company, we excel in providing the inspiration, technical know-how, and creativity you seek. We are constantly upgrading with the latest design and creative software and can guide you through trends and ideas in crafting your brand and the right look for your unique projects.
The term “printer” is misleading. Today, printers do far more than put ink on paper. We are marketing and communications specialists, and your closest and most knowledgeable sources for consulting on your overall marketing strategy. We work to understand your budget, marketing goals and to suggest many options for creating results.
Integrated Marketing
Why not utilize multiple channels in various strategies to reap the most benefits from your marketing budget? Along with your website, mobile apps and social media, configure a direct mail campaign and promotional product giveaway to drive home your message. Join virtual with the actual. Digital and Tangible.
We implement integrated marketing strategies – projects that make use of direct mail, targeted variable data printing, promotional products, signage, branding, website development and e-commerce, social media marketing techniques, and unique design ideas. Discuss with us your target audience, who your consumer is, what your mission and specific goals are for the year. These are the facts your sales rep needs to craft your unique integrated marketing strategies that you can use to translate into profit and customer recognition of your brand and your work.